What is Consumer Sentiment? How Data Can Help You Improve It.

Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

Sentiment analysis involves determining whether the opinions of consumers around your brand, product, or service are positive, negative, or neutral.

To evaluate sentiment, machine learning models perform a textual analysis of customer feedback to decipher the underlying context of what was written and the overall perception.

Perception And Reputation Analysis

One of the most important roles of sentiment analysis is managing brand, product, service perception, and reputation.

Here are the primary ways this is accomplished:

Understanding Customer Views: As a business, knowing what your customers think about your products, services, or brand provides insights into the positive and negative aspects that influence their opinions.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Identifying positive areas where your customers say you excel and negative areas where you can improve can help your business implement strategic planning and optimize operations.

Market Positioning: Your market perception against competitors can reveal your strategic position. Using this analysis to improve helps you adjust or implement new strategies.

Monitoring Online Presence: Keeping tabs on your online mentions across various platforms where reviews, news articles, and forum posts are shared helps keep your business informed and ready to react.

Crisis Management: The only way to manage a crisis is to know about it as it starts so that you can react, respond, and limit any reputational damage.

Identifying Brand Advocates: Every brand has those few customers who are loyal to the end. These are your advocates; identifying them using this analytical technique can further enhance your reputation.

Addressing Negative Feedback: Sometimes, you learn the hard way, but there's always a silver lining. Negative sentiment is invaluable to addressing concerns head-on. Use it to improve your product or service and provide better customer satisfaction.

Tracking Reputation Over Time: Monitoring sentiment needs to be constant, as reputation can change, and you need to know when it does. Implementing this can help assess the effectiveness of reputation management strategies and make adjustments as needed.

Analyzing Sentiments Via Metrics

Based on the platforms and sources monitored, businesses can get an overview of the current sentiment among their customers.

Here are some standard metrics that can be utilized:

Mentions and Volume: The number of times a brand or topic is mentioned online provides an overall perception of reach. Using sentiment analysis will help determine the nature of these mentions and whether the increase is positive or negative.

Engagement Metrics: Social media is powered by content that garners likes, shares, comments, and reposts, providing insights into content interaction. The higher the engagement gets, the more positive the audience response is indicated.

Social Media Reach: As your content gets exposed to more people, the qualitative aspect assesses the emotional tone associated with the interactions. A high reach and a positive sentiment indicate social media success. Messages that generate positive sentiment signify favorable reactions and brand image.

Trending Topics and Hashtags: Monitoring trending topics and hashtags related to a brand or industry helps understand the current sentiment and what drives online conversations.

Influencer Mentions and Endorsements: Influencers who mention or endorse a brand positively can contribute significantly to positive sentiment and brand perception. Their followers also create a supporting perceived reputation, which carries forward as they share and discuss the business and their products or services.

They may also create user-generated content (UGC) related to the brand, showcasing positive experiences. The UGC content can also be monitored for negative or neutral content, which can be used to improve the offerings.

Customer Reviews and Ratings: Customer reviews and ratings are among the most significant sentiment indicators. Platforms like Amazon, Yelp, or specialized review sites provide valuable consumer opinion insights and should be used to measure general sentiment.

How Does Sentiment Analysis Work?

Text Processing: Sentiment analysis starts with collecting and processing textual data, which includes social media posts, customer reviews, news articles, surveys, and other sources of text.

Tokenization: Breaking the text down into individual units, such as words or phrases, is known as tokenization. This step helps in analyzing the sentiment associated with each specific unit.

Sentiment Classification: Machine learning models or rule-based algorithms are used to classify the sentiment of each token as positive, negative, or neutral. Classification can also occur at the document level, where the whole text is classified rather than particular sentences or phrases.

Contextual Analysis: Examining the words, meanings, and sentiments expressed for things like sarcasm and irony in the context in which they are used helps to capture the emotional tone better. This provides a more accurate analysis of underlying sentiments.

Accuracy Evaluation: The tone in the text can be classified as positive, negative, or neutral. The model used to evaluate will have labeled datasets to understand and interpret the sentiments expressed in the text being studied, including customer reviews or social media posts.

To summarize, the analysis of sentiments allows feedback to be measured and used as a tool to adjust marketing strategies and improve customer relationships.

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Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

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