ToFu, MoFu, BoFu: Metrics to track for a healthy funel

Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

Like a Thanksgiving dinner, a sales funnel has different courses leading to the main course.

  • The appetizers are in the ToFu stage,
  • the entrees are in the MoFu stage,
  • and the desserts are in the BoFu stage.

Each course builds on the previous one and prepares the customer for the next.

What is a Sales Funnel?

The journey a customer goes through, from initial awareness of a product or service to taking a desired action, is known as a sales funnel in marketing terminology.

Before we get deeper into the outlined three sales funnel stages, let's look at the core stages of a sales funnel.

  • Awareness: This is when potential customers become aware of a product or service.
  • Interest: This is the stage where potential customers have shown an initial interest and are beginning to evaluate different options.
  • Consideration: Potential customers actively evaluate and compare different options in this stage.
  • Decision: This is when the customers are highly qualified and ready to purchase.

What Are ToFu, MoFu, and Bofu?

These acronyms refer to sales funnel stages. Let's learn a little about them and see how they can be helpful, what types of data a business utilizes in each stage, and how it impacts the customer.

Top of the Funnel (ToFu)

  • About: The primary goal in this stage is to attract a broad audience and create awareness about a product or service. The objective is to offer relevant information addressing potential customers' needs, questions, or problems.
  • Data: Content for this stage may include blogs, social media marketing posts, or online ads. Through these channels, you can collect data on demographics, interactive behavior, search data, competitor analysis, market trends, customer personas, content performance metrics and feedback data.
  • Impact: With robust data collection, you can begin to make this stage work for you. The impact it would have on your strategy would include:
    - Better audience targeting, understand demographics
    - Content strategy, topics your audience connects with
    - Keyword and SEO strategy, help drive organic traffic
    - Channel selection, identify which channel can have the greatest impact
    - Ad campaign optimization, creative choices guided by metrics
    - Budget allocation, allocate resources to have the greatest impact

Middle of the Funnel (MoFu)

  • About: At this stage, the focus is on nurturing and educating leads to help them make informed decisions. The goal is to position the company as the best product or service provider to suit the prospect's needs.
  • Data: Content for this stage may include targeted offers and content, such as podcasts, comparison charts, and webinars. To effectively nurture and convert leads, you will need contact information, engagement data and metrics, email response metrics, event participation, journey mapping, CRM data, and A/B testing results.
  • Impact: MoFu content should aim to educate prospects about possible solutions without a push to buy. The implications for strategy would be multi-fold and include:
    - Lead segmentation, identify leads and tailor messages
    - Content strategy refinement, which content resonates
    - Personalized communication, tailored messages and campaigns
    - Lead engagement monitoring, interaction builds decisiveness
    - Customer insights, help improve product and support
    - Improved cost efficiency, helps reduce time and resources

Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu)

  • About: At this stage, potential customers are highly qualified, and your focus is to convert these leads into clients. A primary goal can be to help build confidence that the product and their decision to purchase is right for them.
  • Data: Content for this stage may include coupons, demos, trials, and consultations. To effectively nurture and convert leads, you would need lead contact details (as detailed as possible), intent data (such as requests for pricing or a quote), sales interaction (data from emails and phone calls), content consumption data (downloads or content views like video), and feedback and conversion analytics.
  • Impact: A well-thought-out MoFu analysis allows you to nurture leads effectively by guiding them through the funnel and improving conversion rates. It can influence your marketing strategy in the following ways:
    - Improved lead nurturing, understand how leads interact
    - Personalization, create targeted content
    - Content strategy enhancement, find out which content works
    - A/B testing iterations, optimizing campaigns
    - Progression insights, identify conversion, drop and pain points
    - Cost efficiency, reduce time and resources

By tracking the percentage of prospects that convert to the next stage of the funnel in these marketing stages, you can assess the effectiveness of your awareness-building and conversion efforts and refine your strategies to optimize leads through the subsequent steps.

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Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

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