Types of Traffic Analysis Tools

Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

Not all traffic is the same, especially when it comes to the internet. Those who own websites, blogs, e-commerce stores, social profiles, and marketers, etc., use different traffic analytical tools to measure their performance and understand their marketing return on investment (ROI).

Let's look at various types of traffic and the tools used to measure them.

Web Traffic Analytics

One of the most popular traffic analytical tools is the type that measures a website's web traffic. Essentially, it tells you:

  • Where is your traffic coming from
  • How many visitors are you getting
  • What they are viewing
  • How much time they are spending on your site or page
  • When they leave, and
  • Whether or not they bought, clicked, or showed interest in any product you are selling

Those are the main items, but there's much more to it.

The biggest takeaway from measuring your web traffic is that you understand visitor behavior and the reasons behind their actions while on your site. This comes in handy when you want to improve your web pages and have them perform even better than they already are.

Some examples include Google Analytics and Statcounter, which most website owners use. A popular option for enterprises is Adobe Analytics.

Heatmap / User Behavior Analytics Tool

Heatmap and user behavior analytics tools help you visualize how users interact with your website so you can improve your design and content.

One of the major areas these tools assist in is quantifying each touch point of the user's journey on a site or app. The tools use data collection methods like clicks, page views, and user interactions to identify patterns and any trends in user behavior.

Some popular tools in this category are Hotjar, Crazy Egg, and Mouseflow.

Product Analytics Tool

These tools focus on tracking user engagement and funnel conversion. It can help you figure out the areas preventing users from completing the actions you want them to take while visiting your site.

Product analytics tools generally work on event-based tracking, which refers to monitoring and recording specific actions, referred to as 'events,' on your website or application.

The benefits of these tools include:

  • Data collection: The tools collect details like the type of event, the time it was performed, any user identifier, and additional criteria that are relevant to the event.
  • Customization: One big advantage is that it gives organizations a customizable system to define and track events relevant to their goals and objectives. It provides a flexible, tailored approach to analytics.
  • User Journey Analysis: Analyzing your users' journey within a sequence of events from when they visit your site till they leave helps you understand where any bottlenecks may be and shows you areas that need improvement.

Some examples include Mixpanel, Amplitude, and Firebase.

Customer Analytics Tool

While product analytics focuses on the interaction within a product or application, a customer analytics tool focuses on understanding the visitor's behavior and preferences as they use the product.

Some of the key metrics it monitors are:

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Custom acquisition
  • Retention rates
  • Customer segmentation

These tools are used by marketing departments, who use the data to improve customer satisfaction and tailor advertising strategies.

Another advantage is customer segmentation based on demographics, preferences, and behavior.

The end result helps these departments to create personalized marketing and communication strategies.

Some examples include Salesforce, HubSpot, and Adobe Analytics.

Competitive Intelligence Tool

Yep, a tool to gather, analyze, and study information about your competitors. But it also does other things, like analyzing market trends and industry news.

By tracking competitors' activities, strategies, and performance, you can know when their product offerings, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns change and to what effect.

Plus, the tools provide intuitive dashboards and visualization tools to make complex data easily digestible and allow department heads to make action-oriented decisions.

Examples include SimilarWeb and Crayon.

All the above tools have some overlap in terms of data collected, but at the end of the day, it's not what data you collect but how it is used. This is why each specific market niche has its own requirements that enable the user to find answers to questions that allow informed decision-making.

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Olivia Rhye
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

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