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Explore data, uncover narratives

From complex queries and transforms to presentation-ready results
Dive into a seamless interface that makes data exploration a joy
Real-time collaboration and sharing to bring your team together
Everything you need for data exploration, all in one place

Drag, drop, data app

Go from experimenting in notebooks to deploying
fully interactive data apps in a few taps

Where the magic happens

Livedocs helps you wrangle data, uncover insights, and dazzle your team. Here's a peek at the ingredients that make Livedocs the recipe for success
Jedi (Beta)
Jedi AI assists you every step of the way to gain the insights you need
Powerful Charts
Bring Python, SQL, Charts, no-code, spreadsheets together
Enhance your productivity by using your favorite languages and IDE tools
Connect your data
Connects to your dbs, files, APIs, spreadsheets, etc
Built for speed
Performance Powered by DuckDB and Polars